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    Opposition questions govts school retention figures; "Schools are failing to provide our children with strong skills and a quality education, leaving them at risk of unemployment and dropping them into the streets". 'I have spoken at hundreds of schools': students take to streets after meeting teachers Some students at a Southbank primary were given the message last week that teachers can now have the same contracts as the Department of Education and work for no less than three years. A demonstration at the former Victorian premier's mansion came a day before the state school teachers' meeting at Albert School, where a large majority of students expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality of the teaching staff. "If these contract changes will actually be passed and implemented then I wouldn't mind seeing the majority of our children attend public schools," said student Sam Taylor. The former Victorian premier is expected to attend the meeting on Wednesday to discuss the new contracts. Meanwhile at another state primary, teachers are already under mounting pressure over the quality of their classes and what impact their contracts could have on their pay and conditions. After a meeting with new state principals Kevin Mowatt and Stephen Chapple last month, students began occupying the main entrance on the principal's doorstep and a petition calling for better management on the part of state principals and teachers has gained momentum. This follows a similar event at the former premier's Adelaide campus last month where parents and parents of other teachers showed up to support their community's opposition to the changes. Topics: education, government-and-politics, state-parliament, secondary-schools, education, business-economics-and-finance, melbourne-3000, australia First posted <a href=>온라인카지노 </a> <a href=>카지노 </a> <a href=>온카지 노</a> <a href= ;온카지노</a> <a href=>우리카지노 </a> No logging for tas aboriginal rock art site A tas man who claimed Aboriginal rock art was stolen from his property told reporters that his house was burglarized on February 13 and someone had broken into the home, according to the media. An unknown number of people broke into the home between midnight and 1am and took dozens of items including a large painting by aboriginal artist Jason Tarsen and other rock art. The rock art had been damaged by previous burglary. "I was just in the kitchen at 4 o'clock <this>morning] when it happened. You see someone come in and knock on the door, and as soon as the door opened the person came right out of my house and started doing it," Tarsen told reporters. "Someone broke into the front door and they took the painting, that's the main reason I'm calling it an armed robbery because my door is locked." Tarsen has a wife and two children in the community, but said he is doing everything possible to make sure his business remains open to the public. However, a spokesperson for the RCMP confirmed the incident is under investigation and have not said if they believe there's a link to Aboriginal rock art. The owner of the home said thieves were not successful with a series of security measures taken to protect the property. "The guy who stole it is gone, and they're not looking for him at the moment," said Tarsen. The man, who asked for his name not to be published out of respect for the family he's not sure will return, has had several home break-ins and reported them to the RCMP. "I've lost track of where my stuff is," he said. With files from Natalie Gagnon Follow @Natalie_Gagnon
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